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Simple Period Calendar App

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There is only one function. When you enter your period date, the next period date is predicted and displayed on the calendar.

Simple and Easy to Use

Edit on Calendar

To input your period days, just tap a date on the calendar and select the start or end button. No need to learn the app. You'll know how to use it instinctively.

Leave Notes

You can keep track of your physical condition or state using the memo feature.

Get Notifications

Get notifications when your next predicted period is approaching. You can also specify when or how many days in advance you'll be notified.

Other Features

  • You can record menstrual periods up to one year before starting the app.
  • Predict your periods up to one year ahead. You can take note of your future periods and check them with the forecast calendar feature.
  • Also functions offline or under poor internet conditions.
  • All features are free. No ads nor promotional material.